Sunday, February 15, 2009

An early bird...

I always wake up late on Sundays (at least past 11pm), but this week, I woke up at about 9am and i feel totally refreshed! Well, to be fair, I was exhausted last night and slept early...about 10pm. So that's more than 8 hours of beauty sleep! The toothache I had last night was gone too when i woke up. I suspect it's a wisdom tooth trying to breakthrough.... it would be my second wisdom tooth.

Anyway, going to the lab after my mum comes home (she's using the car) and we have brunch. Today we have a cleaning session at lab, and I also need to subculture some bacteria.

This would be my first 7 day lab week...! Oh yeah, my supervisor came to lab yesterday (Saturday) and it was nice to have him visit.

Lastly, I think i'm focusing to much on my Final Year Project and neglecting some of my other duties such as assignments!! Oh dear............. need to pick up the slack!

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